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The Gil-hooligans Launch A Scud-son!

Saturday, March 22, 2003

By PV Staff

Rumors have it that the Gil-hooligans are up to their old tricks again. They are now intent on taking out 6th District Chair Sue Everhart and they have made their choice of weapon: Judson Hill. Hill, you may remember, was the doofus who chaired the Cobb County Convention earlier this month.

Hill has a rather fluffy political resume that, while it might fool neophytes, it doesn't fool us one bit. For instance, he claims to have served on the Executive Committee of the Georgia Republican Foundation "advising on recruitment, fundraising initiatives and major gatherings." Uh-huh. The only people truly involved in such activities were Ralph Reed, Eric Tanenblatt, Chris Nedza, and the true workhorses of all of the events, Tamara Hyatt and Mary Alicia Stimson. In fact, we've checked with other members of the "Executive Committee," and they report to us that no meetings were ever held to discuss "fundraising initiatives."

Another claim by Hill is that he was 2nd Vice-Chairman of the 6th Congressional District and helped "formulate and implement campaign and fundraising initiatives among the representative counties."

Really? We have news for Young Judson: no one in the "representative counties" can recall his input on anything. And, since Cobb County didn't raise any money to speak of until after Perdue was elected governor, one wonders how good his "help" could have been in his home county. Fulton County GOP raised their own money w/o any input from Young Judson. Cherokee County raised their own money. Unless, of course, Young Judson wishes to start claiming that because he didn't speak-up in meetings he attended, he was really engaged in "helping" these counties.

Let's see here...what else in Young Judson's political resume is impressive...ahh..."Campaign Director for John McCallum for Secretary of State". Ooohhh...yeah. That was a toughie. "Ralph [Reed]? What else should I do, Ralph? Where should I go next, Ralph? these people?..okay..thank you, Ralph."

PV Knows The Truth: Young Judson is yet another know-nothing political pretty-boy who just gets through life on someone else's money, getting appointed to really impressive-sounding jobs that have no real responsibilities, and thinking he knows something about politics because he's around political people.

Judson (whom we now dub "Scud-son" because the Gil-hooligans tend to be as unpredictable and ineffective as a Scud missile) is really angling to boost his name recognition because he wants to go after current State Rep Matt Dollar's seat. Little does Scudson know that there is a vast difference between political party name recognition and political office name recognition.

Rarely do political party people graduate from that activity to holding political office. Last year in Gwinnett County, longtime GOP activist Glen Wendt raced newcomer Mike Muntean for the state rep seat vacated by Bobby Reese. Muntean crushed Wendt, in spite of Wendt's longtime service to the GOP.

The fact is, the true voters make-up a much larger group of people than the activists. Many "good Republicans" are those Republicans who consistently tunrnout to vote in primaries and other elections without stepping one inch into the morass of a political party.

In doing what Scudson is set on doing (i.e., defeating Sue Everhart), he is intent on kicking someone out of a party office who has been quite the contributor, both in time and successes, to the GOP cause. And, he has been talked into doing it from the likes of Marilyn Gilhuly and Frank Molesky, the non-dynamic duo of Cobb County.

We hope Scudson is defeated by Everhart, but, even if he wins the 6th seat, we will look forward to his entry in the race against Matt Dollar. Because, Scudson 'ole buddy, 'ole pal, we live in that house district, and we look forward to kicking your do-nothing, know-nothing ass.

PV Staff

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