Ronald Reagan's Legacy

In 1970, the National Governor's Association voted 49 to 1 against endorsing welfare reform. The 1 vote, and proponent of the resolution, was Ronald Reagan. Ten years later, Reagan (aged 69) was dismissed as too old and too conservative to ever be President, leading Democrats to celebrate when he won the Republican nomination. When Ronald Reagan was elected, inflation, interest rates were in double digits.


A Quote From The Gipper Himself...
Sunday, June 06, 2004


Regarding the passing of Ronald Reagan...
Saturday, June 05, 2004
The sad news today regarding the death of former President Ronald Reagan gives us the chance to pause and reflect on a truly extraordinary life. For many of us that came of age during the Presidency of Ronald Reagan, he began a revolution that continues to this very day. A revolution of individualism, self-reliance and the constant hope that America's best days are yet to come.

Time For Problem Solving Leadership in The U.S. Senate Race
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Georgia has a unique opportunity in just four months to elect a true populist Republican candidate to the United States Senate. Since July of last year Herman Cain has been crisscrossing the state meeting with small and large groups, developing coalitions.

What most people say upon hearing Herman Cain is that he can deliver a powerfully motivating speech. This is true, but there is so much more depth to Herman Cain than his speaking ability. Cain is a determined person who exemplifies true rugged individualism. From growing up in a three room house in Atlanta, to becoming CEO of Godfathers Pizza and the National Restaurant Association, Cain has

Senate Resumes Consideration of Universal Health Care for Pets of Illegal Aliens
Sunday, February 29, 2004 - 35 years, 267 days from now...
WASHINGTON (Future News Network - Health) - After a six month delay, the U.S. Senate is expected to begin final negotiations on a bill to extend health care benefits to the pets of illegal aliens. It is expected that the measure will be signed by President Chelsea Clinton as soon as it is approved by Congress.

The House version of the bill passed in June. The Senate is still working on a somewhat more generous version of the bill. The major difference between the two plans is that the Senate’s version includes dental care while the House version does not. Backers say, “we expect to have a compromise agreement approved for the President’s signature before the end of the year.”

You Want To Protect Our Country? --- Don't Meddle With Our Constitution
Sunday, February 29, 2004
President Bush and other politicians are pandering to extreme right religious fanatics by pushing for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages. Bush had better hope there are enough extreme right religious fanatics in America to get him reelected. Early indications are he may have to pull in his horns [if any] on this issue.

Some religious control freaks would love to have the power to force others to live according to their fundamentalist religious principles. We must not allow our Constitution to be trivialized like this. We must not give government that kind of authority over us. We must not give these self-righteous meddlers the power to force others to abide by their religious or moral values. We must not let our Constitution be turned into a weapon to force others to live according to their religious dictates.


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