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Saturday, March 06, 2004

Rumors have it that at today's Cobb County Republican Party Convention, the numbskulls of the Cobb GOP attempted to officially "censor" The Political Vine and it's editor, publisher, and chief ditch-digger, Bill Simon, through a Resolution introduced at the convention.

Here, forthwith, is that Resolution (our own commentary is in colored-text...because, this is just too damn funny to pass up!):

Whereas, Mr. Bill Simon in his e-mail publication, The Political Vine, has engaged in promoting information which, by his own admission, are "Rumors," "Information which may or may not be true," and information which should be treated as if it came "off of the public bathroom wall;" and [Great...these guys have read the PV's fine print and they understand it...]

Whereas, Mr. Bill Simon has embellished, invented, and disseminated stories and accusations masquerading under the name of "satire;" and [Now, we will admit that it is not all "satire" and probably more closely resembles "sarcasm." We will be willing to change the legal disclaimers to that if that would help boost our publication's image...]

Whereas, Mr. Bill Simon has tarnished the reputations of members and officers, both past and present, of the Republican Party without cause or proof; and [Really now, how can the reputations of members and officers be tarnished by the PV? You are what you are, and you have the character you have, solely as a result of your own actions, regardless of how reported in the PV. In 95% of our ongoing documentary of the Cobb GOP FUBAR, we have provided documented facts and statements made by these so-called "past and present officers" (people like Marilyn Gilhuly, Anthony-Bob-Nob-Scott Hobbs, Calvin Rhodes, Michael Altman, Paul Ploener, Frank Molesky, Dawn "Cecil Staton Should Be Congressman, Not Phil Gingrey" Strickland, Bill Lathem, Tim Pilgrim, Lew Stafford, et al.). The "reputations" that the PV has supposedly maligned have only been exposed for exactly who they are and exactly what they are.]

Whereas, Mr. Bill Simon had admitted in conversation with Cobb Republicans that he is, at least in part, actuated by personal animus towards some individuals of the Party; and [To those of you not quite clear on what "personal animus" means, it means Simon doesn't like some of these people because they remind him more of being neo-Nazi-Fascists than members of the GOP. Furthermore, Simon will not stand by and let them continue their personal campaign of screwing good activist Republicans out of their right to participate without being lied to or lied about.]

Whereas, Mr. Bill Simon's reckless activities have resulted in loss of income and support for the Republican Party; and [Our first response is YAY! Our efforts have not been in vain. Our second response is, we thought Anthony-Bob has raised $100,000+ through his brilliant scheme/scam known as the Republican Business Council? Our third response is Whose "income" has been hurt? County parties are responsible for raising funds to help the cause. "Funds" are not "income." The lack of funds raised is a good thing since, as evidenced by today's convention vote to raise the limit that the Chairman can write a check for to $3,000 (from the previous $1,250) without getting authorization from the county committee, simply means that there will be much less money to be misspent by this county party.]

Whereas, Mr. Bill Simon has been unwilling to retract or apologize for his inaccuracies; and [In the first paragraph of this Resolution, you folks demonstrated that you had read the disclaimers of the PV, and you understood them. What we print may or may not be true. We openly admit that. They are printed as "rumors," laced with satire and sarcasm. Yeah, we admit that. In comparison, the Atlanta Journal & Constitution and The New York Times prints a lot of stuff as if it is accurate, factual, and 100% true, and is not. And, they never admit that what they've printed may not be accurate. Why don't you nimrods have the BALLS to issue a resolution condemning the AJC, the NYT, CNN, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and all those people? Instead, you try to take out a publication that openly admits to not having any higher journalistic integrity than anything you read off of a bathroom guys are soooooo gutsy!]

Whereas, the behavior of Mr. Bill Simon has brought discredit upon himself and, even worse, upon the Republican Party; [Wa-wa-wahhhhhhhhh!!! :::sounds of a man sobbing::: Oh...wait, they said "discredit"...whew! Simon thought he was being "credited" with being aligned with the Cobb GOP]

Therefore, The Cobb County Republican Committee and Party censors (sic) Mr. Bill Simon and the Political Vine for their reckless accusations and untruths. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be communicated to Mr. Bill Simon. [Oy-Vay! This Simon guy must be a real Meshuganah!]

Bill Simon's Response: To those of you biting your fingernails waiting for the news of what happened to the resolution, it received 48 "yays" and 94 "nays" thus being defeated by a 2:1 margin (that is to be read as a "two-to-one margin" for you UGA grads who got the question wrong on Jim Harrick, Jr.'s final exam about "How many halves are there in a college basketball game?").

In some respects, I wish the resolution would have won. Because, had the resolution passed, it would have been "communicated" to me, perhaps in an electronic format so I didn't have to spend all afternoon transcribing this...

After I was rejected as a delegate to the district and the state convention last year by the Calvin (Rhodes) & (Anthony-Bob-Scott) Hobbs Gang, these people continue to demonstrate that, frankly, they ain't too bright. I was going to ignore the Cobb convention today, and instead visit the Fulton and DeKalb conventions where the overwhelming number of people who participate in their convention process are normal and sane. Someone called me when I was at DeKalb and told me that I was on the Cobb GOP's agenda. Never being one to miss a good funeral pyre, especially when it's my own, I dashed over to Cobb's convention.

Now, as most folks will attest, I stopped writing about the Cobb GOP several months ago. I had had two people, one a Republican legislator, and the other, a casual onlooker, tell me that they weren't opening-up the PV newsletters anymore because everything was focused on the Cobb GOP, and they were sick of it.

So, I dropped the coverage, and I was perfectly willing to leave them alone for an ETERNITY. The idiots who wrote this resolution, and voted in favor of it, apparently missed me assailing them. I shall oblige them.

So, during the first reading of the resolution at the convention, someone pointed out to the rocket-scientist Rules/Resolutions Chair, Martin O'Toole, that the word should be "censure" not "censor." Thus, the resolution was revised. And, then, debated...

I thank all of those people who stood up to defend, not necessarily me personally, but my right to engage in political discourse the way I see fit to do so.

But, the ones who spoke in favor of the Resolution were most interesting. I was rather...surprised, I guess, is the best word to describe my reaction to one gentleman who stood-up and started yelling and screaming (and, pointing his finger right at me) about how when I get a bit involved into going after someone, "the battle isn't over until [I] have maimed and bloodied [my] opponent. I am scared of Bill Simon because of what he might do to me..."

This person, I later figured out, was the Reverend John Roddy. I distinctly recall having a nice chat with him and his wife 2 years ago at a CCRW function. I have never mentioned him in a Vine, or attacked him, or his faith, or his wife, Carolyn. Apparently, though, they are of the mindset that it's okay to screw someone behind closed doors, as the management of the Cobb GOP has done for 3 years to people they don't like, but not publicly expose their wrongs. I'm glad to find this out about John now.

Larry Ceminsky spoke out against the resolution, stating that "There are members of our party who have vocally attacked Ginger Collins and Governor Sonny Perdue and you're not censuring them, so, where do you have the right to do this?"

Larry brings-up an excellent point. Such a good point, in fact, that he reminded me of a piece of information that I had been sitting on for several months...and, wasn't going to cover. Ever. Until now.

It concerns Mr. Martin O'Toole, Esquire. Mr. O'Toole is the Rules Chairman of the Cobb GOP. He is also the Legal Counsel of the Cobb GOP. He was appointed to these two positions by Chairman Anthony-Scott Hobbs, and this was approved by the Cobb County Committee (I did not vote in favor of his appointment at the meeting because I knew exactly who and what he was...)

Mr. O'Toole, along with people like Tim Pilgrim, Bill Lathem, and longtime-supposed-GOP-activist Dorsey Dodgen, are all dues paying members of the organization called the Southern Heritage Political Action Committee ("SHPAC"). In fact, Mr. O'Toole is listed as the Chairman/Treasurer of the organization.

But, since people like Richard Gruetter think that everything I do and say is all made up, I recommend that each of you go to this Website, and look all the way at the bottom where non-candidate committees are listed, choose the "S" and find the disclosure for the SHPAC, open it, and then come back and read my discussion.

The SHPAC has publicly announced that they are targeting Republican State Senator Ginger Collins, Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey, and, in the future, reelection of Republican Governor Sonny Perdue. These folks are the Flaggots, as Neal Boortz calls them. These folks lost their case last Tuesday when the current flag beat the Barnes' blue flag by a margin of approximately 4 to 1 on Super Tuesday's flag vote.

So, the Cobb GOP has 'O Toole, a public supporter of the de-election of Ginger Collins, regardless of whether she goes down in a primary defeat or in a general election defeat, as Rules Committee Chair of the Party, and as Legal Counsel of the Cobb Party. Does anyone else in the GOP world find that the least bit strange? Why not invite the Chairman of the Democrat Party of Cobb to sit on the Cobb GOP board as well? Makes just as much sense.

And you 48 who voted for the resolution are against ME? Hobbs has proven himself to be exactly what I told people he was: a charlatan. A person who is NOT out for the good of the Republican Party, but is only out for himself, and he is prepared to use whatever resources of the Cobb GOP he sees fit. Those of you who continue to defend Mr. Hobbs and his leadership demonstrate further to everyone else that you cannot be relied upon to carry-out the management of the Cobb GOP.

I have no doubt that the true purpose of the vote to raise the limit from $1250 up to $3000 was so Hobbs and his minions can now write a check so money can be spent to help O'Toole and his buds buy signs and anything else to fight against Collins, Gingrey, and, likely Perdue.

Hobbs' continued approval and support of a true "scalawag" like O'Toole proves that Hobbs really doesn't care about supporting GOP candidates; he only cares about supporting those folks who supported him, regardless of how opposite their agenda is to the Cobb GOP's.

And, since the Cobb county committee is only required to meet twice per year, you can be certain that whatever funds are raised (or have been raised) will likely become illicit "income" for someone through the means of a check now able to be written for upwards of $3,000 without any approval from the county committee.

**** END REPORT****

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